How Can a Remote DBA Expert Change The Operations of Your Company Database?

Which business does not want all their sales metrics and inventory data in one place? Now, it is possible to keep all the data updated using an analytics database. The information can include your regular transaction data and more from your organization’s database. All you need is a reliable business analyst or a corporate executive to run the queries at your beck and call.

Why is getting analytics database support challenging for all businesses?

It sounds quite simple for big corporations, but the situation is markedly different for small companies and start-ups. Small businesses cannot invest in a separate team who can dedicate themselves to business operations and analytics only. An analytical database can support all kinds of business intelligence, but you need a medium for communicating with your database. Choosing a remote DBA for handling your business operations and analyzing your business metrics.

Types of analytics databases

Your remote DBA should be able to deal with the different kinds of analytic databases or at least one of them in the market –

Columnar databases: these organize your business data into rows. It actively reduces the data element counts.

In-memory databases: the load the source data into the system memory in a non-relational format. They streamline the queries and the subsequent work involved.

Online analytical processing DBs: these are stored in multidimensional arrays of data. It makes storing data with multiple data attributes much easier, since it is a rather “three-dimensional” storage system.

Massive parallel processing DBs: this one spreads the aggregated data on a cluster of servers. Your system can easily share the query process workload.

Data warehouse appliance: the combine data hardware with BI tools to handle massive amounts of workload. This one is quite easy to install and operate and is possibly the only kind, businesses can try to manage and run on their own.

Think before you pick one

The type of analytic database you pick should depend upon following factors –

  1. What kind of data are you analyzing?
  2. What is the immediate quantity of your data?
  3. What is the focus and strongest suite of your engineering team?
  4. How soon do you need the results?

Up until the point where you are handling up to 1 TB of data, Postgres is a good choice. Once the data exceeds the 2 PB mark and goes into “all the data” that your business has ever generated, you should lean towards Hadoop. That is where you need help from the experts.

Now, having a DBA on your team, especially a senior DBA is going to be a costly affair. gives you an option of managing your business data remotely and securely via a private cloud. Encryption is second nature for most advanced data management companies. Analytics databases can offer you “real-time analytics” if you have the right kind of database and adequate manual support.