Discover the Amazing Capabilities of Jquery Templates For Your Database


The main objective of jQuery Templates is to help you display and work with data in the browser. The jQuery Templates can be used to display and determine the format of a group of records from a database. These are normally records that you have retrieved from the database using an Ajax call.

The jQuery templates are able to support quite a number of amazing features. Examples of these features are:

  1. Template tags
  2. Templates that are wrapped
  3. Template composition

Characteristics of jQuery Templates

jQuery templates can be utilized with HTML pages as well as ASP.NET pages by the professionals that provide dba services. These templates can also be used with ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC. One of the most powerful arrangements is where the jQuery Templates are used on the client side and ASP.NET technology is used on the server side.

The jQuery Templates are available as a plugin. They were developed by the jQuery open source and Microsoft ASP.NET teams. This template is capable of performing a number of activities when utilized well. jQuery Templates are purposely for loading templates from special files or from HTMLElement. In addition to that, this technology can cache templates that have already been processed. jQuery Templates can also be used to establish an interface that can be used to put arbitrary data into the template.

With jQuery Templates, other activities that you can do include building and sharing plugins. These can even contain templates in them. In addition, jQuery allows you to apply the templates across many pages or applications. With this technology, you can also organize template files easily. These are some of the functions of jQuery templates.

This template technology can also be used to load templates from html elements. It is capable of loading templates in both synchronous and asynchronous methods. Once you use jQuery, you can conduct template preloading quite easily. Moreover, it is capable of caching processed templates. Not only that, jQuery can easily bundle the templates that have been processed during a production build.  jQuery Templates also utilize some of the simplest syntax known for retrieving information from databases to a website.

There are various modifier methods that can be used with jQuery Templates. These modifier methods are used to format the displayed information that has been retrieved from the database. By using a modifier method such as after, prepend, html or before, you can decide how you want the information to appear in your results. These modifiers are especially important in case you are retrieving a lot of information. In addition to that, the jQuery Templates allow you to save these formats for future or repeated use. This is a very nifty feature of this plugin.


You can utilize it on a website that is managed by a Content Management System (CMS). This technology is popularly used today to manage websites. It is especially used to manage dynamic websites such as e-commerce sites. Thanks to jQuery Templates, it is easier to retrieve information from the backend databases.